
Welcome to my GCSE revision blog. Please feel free to browse the resources to support you with your exam preparation. Any work you'd like me to assess can either be posted as comments on the relevant posts or emailed to me at bm8499@cooper.oxon.sch.uk

Monday, 7 June 2010

Night of the Scorpion

By popular request, here is a detailed analysis of "Night of teh Scorpion". Please let me know if you have any questions.

Click here for the PODCast

“Night of the Scorpion” is a poem which discusses the inherent differences between some traditional cultures and the modern world, and the conflict inherent in this.

The poem opens in with a clear, first person statement: “I remember the night my mother/was stung by a scorpion.” This emotionless opening immediately creates the impression that the persona is reliable and honest and imbues the events which follow with a sense of factual reality. Given the poets’ criticism of the superstitions and eccentricities of the villagers who represent his original culture, this factual and scientific tone is particularly significant however it does not last past the opening couple of sentences. In his description of the scorpion, Ezekiel’s use of language becomes far stronger:
“Parting with his poison- flash
of diabolic tail in the dark room-“
Note the aggressive alliteration of “Parting “ and “poison”; the use of the word “flash” which uses lightning as a metaphor for the scorpion’s sting; the personification of the scorpion as the devil (“diabolic”) and the disturbing enjambment between the lines. All of this combines to emphasise the evil intent behind the scorpion’s actions: Ezekiel leaves us in no doubt at all that the scorpion intended to cause pain and was not simply acting instinctively. This is significant as it is a similar attitude to that which is held by the “peasants” who the poet is so critical of: at the heart of their superstition is the belief that the scorpion was acting on behalf of the devil, something which both poet and his mother seem to discount.

The simile which the poet uses to describe the villagers is clearly deeply critical:
“The peasants came like swarms of flies
and buzzed the name of God a hundred times”
This anthropomorphism dehumanises the villagers, making them sound ignorant and foolish. This is further emphasised by the onomatopoeic “buzzed” which makes their prayers sound mindless and shallow. This critical tone continues through the lines which follow, note the repetition of “they said” from lines 17-22 as the peasants outline their theological belief. This technique clearly undermines the reader’s trust in their views and demonstrates the poet’s cynicism at their culture. This culminates in the smug corruption of the traditional Christian blessing in line 31:
“The peace of understanding on each face.”

Towards the end of the first stanza, the reader sees the love which holds a family together and the desperation this causes when someone is in pain, as represented by the father trying “every curse and blessing” to ease his wife’s suffering.

The second, and final, stanza represents a return to the rationalism of the opening. Where the villagers and the father have been overcome by religious fervour in trying to ease the pain of the sting, the mother demonstrates a more existentialist attitude in her final statement:
“My mother only said
thank God the scorpion picked on me
and spared my children.”
There is a clear link to “Blessing” in this final quotation as it represents a character (or indeed culture) whose religious ardour is based on gratitude for the small things in life. There are many other clear links between these two poems: both poems show a people who see an event as coming from God (however one event is positive and the other negative). They are also both rich in imagery and describe simplistic, even primitive cultures.

In terms of other comparisons you can make with “Night of the Scoprion”, this can be quite tricky as it has little in common with many of the poems but for the fact that it describes a culture and its beliefs in detail: the only difference is that, where most poems are very proud and fond of their original culture, here, Ezekiel seems deeply critical of it. You could therefore maybe compare the way island man longs for his original culture with the way in which the speaker in “NOS” resents his. You could also compare the pride in original culture in poems such as “Limbo” or “WWTL” with the way in which Ezekiel seems to want to distance himself from it.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Vultures & POC Revision

Hi all,

I've had requests for some materials on "Vultures". The most useful thing I've got is this video I think:

These could also be useful:

Also, if you're after other revision stuff on the poems, click here to download some bits and pieces.

Monday, 24 May 2010


Please click here to donwload some revision notes on "Chemistry" but remember: everybody can have one story which they know they won't write about; if this is yours then that's fine.

Anne Hathaway

"Anne Hathaway" is a poem which essentially demonstrates a true, romanticised and idealised form of love which is in stark contrast to the relationships in many of the other poems. Duffy uses language as a metaphor for love ("assonance", "verb" etc.) and there is a sense that the love is both sexual yet ethereal.

Duffy writes the poem as a mock sonnett which obviously draws attention to the final rhyming couplet.

Click here to download some questions to help you focus your revision and let me know as a comment if anything is still not making sense.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

"Elvis's Twin Sister" and "Homecoming"

These two poems have been flagged as being probematic and ones which you are unsure about. I therefore thought I'd post a commentary on each which I've also recorded as a PODCast. It is however worth pointing out that, because you get a choice of three questions in the exam, it is perfectly possible to avoid writing about either of these two. They are difficult because the do not sit particularly comfortably with the other poems and so comparing them can be hard unless you get the right question.

"Elvis's Twin Sister" Duffy:
Download as PODCast
Here, Duffy writes in the voice of Elvis’s twin sister who died during child birth, imagining that she grew up to be a nun, far removed from the excesses and indulgences of her twin brother’s lifestyle. There are frequent references to the simplicity of her life: “tend the gardens,/ watch things grow” “Gregorian chant/ drifts out across the herbs” however these are in stark contrast to hints about her similarities to her brother: the way she moves her “hips” and her “blue suede shoes”.

This is essentially a poem about the paradox of fame and the ways in which it can destroy a person (see the references to Elvis’s songs “Lonely Street” and “Heartbreak Hotel”) and how, in reality, a simple life can be more fulfilling.

This is a hard poem as it does not compare easily to any of the others but, depending on the question, you could write about the ways people do or don’t gain fulfilment from life (i.e. is life a positive or negative experience). “Elvis’s Twin Sister” leaves this quite open and you could then compare with “Havisham” (negative), “My father thought it…” (negative in the way it regrets the youthful and exuberant things which have happened in the past), “Song of the old Mother” (negative- life has passed her by and she’s never stopped to enjoy it) and “On My First Sonne” (life itself is seen as a painful experience full of pain and loneliness however can seen to be more positive through religious faith).

"Homecoming" Armitage
Download as PODCast
Homecoming is a poem primarily about relationships: both interpersonal and those with our memories and our pasts. In the opening metaphor of the trust exercise, Armitage is outlining what all human relationships aspire to be: trusting and mutually supportive however his use of the word “blind” also implies that this trust will always be a little misplace as no one can ever be completely reliable.

In the second stanza, Armitage goes on to describe a childhood incident surrounding a “canary-yellow cotton jacket” which was clearly a prized possession but was damaged in an incident at school (we can presume this from the words “cloakroom floor”). At first we cannot tell whose memory (or jacket) this is but then Armitage goes on to write: “Back home/ the very model of a model mother, yours,” and, by this, we are introduced to the character to whom these events actually occurred (although there is little indication as yet of who this person is). The mother seems aggressive and intimidating and it is worth noticing Armitage’s use of colours (“red” and “blue”) at the end of the second stanza. Similarly, we see a strained relationship between parents and their children at this point which could be compared to “Mother any distance…” or “Before You Were Mine”

In the third stanza, Armitage’s persona seems to be reaching back into memories that he never really had in exactly the same way as Duffy does in BYWM. He “remembers” himself “waiting by the phone” for the call from the girl who we can presume will later become his lover so that he can support her through these traumatic events and betrayals of her love and trust. We see his love and desire to protect her manifested in his imagining himself in a supporting role despite the fact that it is “sixteen years or so before we’ll meet.” There is a very clear comparison here with “I’m ten years away from the corner you laugh on” in BYWM. The stanza finishes with a quasi-threatening description of the girl’s father, again demonstrating how difficult relationships between parents and children can be.

In the final stanza, Armitage’s persona (or indeed Armitage himself) offers to support the female character and to protect her in a way in which she was not protected at the time these events took place. He uses the yellow jacket of the incident as a metaphor for his own body with which he can support her and make amends for the pain in her past.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Writing to Persuade

This morning we revised persuasive writing, analysing a sample response to the 2006 exam question to identify the following features:
•Rhetorical questions
•Imperative verbs
•Emotive language
•Emotive anecdote
•Short sentences
•Use of “You”

We then discuess how these features were far more effective when used in "threes" rather than individually and analysed the way this was done in the example.

The focus of the lesson then switched to "emotive anecdotes" beginning with the words "Imagine, if you will,..." and then explaining how life could be better or worse depending on the reader's decision. You wrote a couple of these based on past exam questions.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Your Exams

Hi all,

Please check out the following presentation which explains when your exams are, how much they're worth and what you have to do for each one:

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Lit Revision Homework

Alongisde continuing with the 15 minute writing challenges, this week and next you should be aiming to mind map all of the anthology short stories and Duffy, Armitage and pre-1914 poems. For each you should focus on themes, strucutre, language, feelings and comparisons. The following formats may be helpful for you:

Short Stories
Lit Poetry

Writing to Describe

In Paper 2, you have a choice of writing to inform, explain or describe. I strongly reccomend that you choose describe as this offers you the greatest creative freedom. Please click here to download some past "Writing to Describe" tasks.

Some important things to remember:
  • Vary sentence structure
  • Vary punctuation
  • Use a range of connectives as appropriate
  • Choose a sophisticated vocabulary
  • Develop an original and entertaining voice
  • Appeal to the senses of the reader
  • Try to write imaginatively and metaphorically but avoid telling a story unless the question asks for this
  • Use paragraphing for effect and link with connectives where appropriate
  • Spell as accurately as you can (but don't allow this to limit your vocabulary choice)

Below is a quick video on varying sentence structure; apologies for the poor quality on this one.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Short Story Revision Guides

Hi all,

Please click on the links below to download the revision guides on the stories which you made this morning.

Flight 1, Flight 2, Superman 1, Superman 2, Your Shoes 1, Your Shoes 2, Growing Up 1, Growing Up 2,
Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2,
Snowdrops 1, Snowdrops 2

Please let me know if any of these links aren't working.

Remember, this week's homework is 15 minute writing challenges on prose, lit poetry and cultures poetry; the more you can get through the better.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Hi all,

I've just looked through the description which you wrote for me before Easter and I noticed a distinct lack of semicolons in some of your writing so here's a video guide on how to use them:

They're a really good way to impress examiners an to improve the quality and sophistication of your written expression so use them!

Monday, 5 April 2010

Revision Schedule Template

Hi all,

Following a question regarding revision schedules, I thought I'd share this with anyone who's interested. It should be reasonably self-explanatory and is a good way to organise your revision over the next few weeks and months.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Duffy and Armitage Past Questions

Click here for a selection of past questions on the literature poetry. You have seen this selection before however I will be looking to upload some more in the enxt few days so check back. Over Easter, you should aim to do "15 Minute Writing Challenges" on as many as possible, comparing two stories and at least one full timed essay, by hand.

Please post questions as comments and also any of your writing which you'd like me to have a look at. Please remember to include the question number with your work.

Cultures Poetry Past Questions

Click here for a selection of past questions on the cultures poetry. Over Easter, you should aim to do "15 Minute Writing Challenges" on as many as possible, comparing two stories and at least one full timed essay, by hand.

Please post questions as comments and also any of your writing which you'd like me to have a look at. Please remember to include the question number with your work.

Short Story Past Questions

Click here for a selection of past questions on the short stories. Over Easter, you should aim to do "15 Minute Writing Challenges" on as many as possible, comparing two stories and at least one full timed essay, by hand.

Please post questions as comments and also any of your writing which you'd like me to have a look at. Please remember to include the question number with your work.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Easter Revision Guide

Download the Easter revision guide here. Each box represents one of the exams which you will sit this summer. Please post any questions regarding your revision here.

Short Story PODCasts

Hi all,

I think (or hope!) that I have found a hosting solution for these PODCasts.

Click on the links below and you should be given the option to download the files which means you can then upload them to your phone/mp3 player/iPod so you can listen to them at your leisure. Don't forget though, that listening is no substitute for reading; you should be doing both, as well as updating your quote bank and highlighting relevant features.

Your Shoes
Growing Up
The End of Something
Audio Commentary on "Snowdrops"

You can also get another copy of the quote bank here if you have lost yours. You should be highlighting any linguistic devices, annotating these quotations in your anthologies and completing the thematic activites at the back.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

15 minute writing challenge:

Compare how language is used to present the attitudes of the speakers in four of the poems you have studied.

It is a better use of my time to mark work here rather than on paper as this way I am providing examples and feedback to the whole class. I would prefer it if you named your work so I know who has done what bu, if you're not comfortable with this, please leave it anonymous and I will provide feedback all the same.

Monday, 22 March 2010

15 minute writing challenge:

Compare how women are presented in four of the poems you have studied. To do this, compare “Mother any distance…” by Simon Armitage and three other poems, one by Carol Ann Duffy and two from the pre-1914 poetry bank.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Lit Poetry Revision Videos

Here they are, all under one roof:

"Anne Hathaway"

"My Last Duchess"

"Sonnet 130"

"On My First Sonne" (with special celebrity guest presenter)

"My father thought it..."

"Mother any distance..."

"Before You Were Mine"



"Elvis's Twin Sister"

Sorry I couldn't be there this morning. My PP on this poem can be found here. Any questions, post them as comments.

Work on "Anne Hathaway" and "Sonnet 130"

Apologies for the delay but all of your work on these two poems is now assessed and on here

Scroll all the way to the bottom to see individual feedback if you havn't already had it.

"Anne Hathaway" and "Sonnet 130"

Compare the view of love shown in two of the poems.

"Superman" and "Paula Brown" 2010

Please post your comparison of the portrayal of children in these two stories as a comment on this post


You can download this commentary as a PODCast from the school website. Don't forget to subscribe to the RSS feed.

We started today's lesson by looking at "On an Athlete Dying Young" by A. E. Houseman. This poem is a good way in to "Snowdrops" as it highlights the relative frailty of youth (which can seem so strong and beautiful) when compared with the omnipotent force of death.

We then read "Snowdrops" (download audio here: http://www.cooper.oxon.sch.uk/English%20WebPages/Front.htm). This is a story about an innocent, excitable, fanciful young boy who initially demonstrates many of the positive characteristics of youth which we have seen in other stories. He observes the minute details in life, has a vivid imagination and longs for the excitement of new experiences (such as eating a bacon sandwich). He also has a respect for his teacher, Miss Webster, which borders on hero worship. This is similar to the respect of the narrator for her uncle in "Superman" and clearly shows that he sees the adult world as something which can protect him from pain and hardship.

At the beginning of the story, we hear that Miss Webster has promised the boy that she will take his class to see the "Snowdrops" and he is very excited about this however, there is a great poignancy to the way he imagines them: "all he could imagine was one flake of the falling snow, bitterly frail and white, and nothing like a flower." Even from the outset therefore, Norris makes the reader aware that life is a fragile thing marked by pain (as represented by the word "bitterly").

By the end of the story, the boys illusions of the realities of life and the strength of the adult world are shattered as he witnesses Miss Webster breaking down at the funeral of the young man (with whom, the reader is lead to believe, she shares a romantic interest). The flowers which he had longed to see (his "Mecca", his "Jerusalem" ("Superman")) are described thus:
"The boy began to see their fragility. He saw them blow in a sudden gust of the cold March wind, shake, and straighten gallantly. He imagined them standing all night in the dark garden, holding bravely to their speck of whiteness." ll.194-7
There is sense of anti-climax about their fragility; The flowers have become a metaphor for the realities of a life that will always be marred by the inevitability of death and, as Miss Webster stands crying "in the midst of the frightened children", the boy realises that life can never be as exciting and carefree as he wants it to be.

There is, however, a positive message in the ending of this story, as represented by the words of the Welsh Hymn:
"So blessed are the ones through faith
That go about the living."
Here, the reader is able to take hope from the fact that those who are "blessed"- who find happiness and peace are those who "go about the living"; get on with their lives and do not dwell on the inevitable pain and suffering of death. Here the metaphor of the Snowdrops also returns to support this point- whilst they are delicate, frail and enjoy only a short life on earth, they are also painfully beautiful and have the tenacity to return year after year; whilst life will always end, it will also always continue.

I've drawn a few parallels with "Superman" here but a couple of quotations lend themselves very well to comparisons with other stories if the right question comes up:

1."the left boot to the right boot and the right boot to the left boot" l.71 COMPARE: "Your Shoes"
2."Gerald went whooping up the gravel yard like a released pigeon." l.74 COMPARE: "Flight". We also discussed, in relation to this, how the word "whooping" might betray the painful side to life: here it is an expression of youthful exuberance however, the word resonates with the name of a potentially fatal disease: whooping cough. Thus, despite his care-free excitement, Gerald himself might in fact be a metaphor for the human condition.

Close Comparison and Original Ideas on "Superman" and "Growing Up"

by bmccarey99 @ 2008-11-25 – 12:55:19

Today we looked at close comparison and expressing original ideas. Please post you analysis as a comment on this...

Comapring "Growing Up" with "Superman"

by bmccarey99 @ 2008-11-25 – 09:03:20

The first point to take away from today's lesson was introduced by the objective: "To learn to compare Plaith’s view of childhood in “Superman” with Cary’s in “Growing Up”". Based on the essays I have marked so far, many people are losing marks for not commenting on the author's intentions in their analysis. The simplest way to do this is to make sure that you use their surname to introduce your point; instead of "Children seem innocent and carefree", try "Plaith presents children as being innocent and carefree." A simple change but it can make a real difference to your mark.

We then went on to compare the portrayal of children in "Superman" (both as dreamers and as people who are capable of great cruelty) with their portrayal in "Growing Up". Here, Robert Quick sees himself as a great father who has allowed his children to grow up in a world where they are free to express themselves. The first time Cary shows the reader Quick's children , they support this point of view: engrossed in books but covered in grass stains which suggest an active and exciting childhood. However, in their subsequent attack on their dog and then on Swift himself, their animalistic and cruel nature becomes much more evident. They seem uncontrollable and wild (which clearly links to Plaith's characters such as Sheldon Fine and Paula Brown herself.

Next lesson we will look at writing detailed analysis comparing the portrayal of these children but the key thing to take away is that, although both writers show children are capable of great imagination, this imagination is not necessarily always as innocent as it might seem.

Some Quliaty Analysis from Timed Essays

by bmccarey99 @ 2008-11-21 – 10:55:21

Thought I'd take a break from marking the most recent timed essay on "Flight" and "TEOS" to share some really good comparison which a couple of people have come up with. Look at the way they've chosen quotations from each story which link together really closely and then explained and compared individual words in relation to the question (In “Flight”, the Grandfather loses something but comes to terms with it. Compare how Doris Lessing and the writer of one other story present characters dealing with loss.):

"He lifted his eyes to smile proudly down the garden at his Granddaughter.”
“Marjorie stood up. Nick sat there, his head in his hands.”

Interestingly, in both quotations the authors have used height as a way of making the characters seem more powerful and therefore better at dealing with loss. The way that the Grandfather is smiling “down” at his granddaughter whilst Marjorie has “stood up” gives the reader a sense that both characters have a sense of victory about how well they have dealt with their losses. It also makse Alice and Nick seem weak and suggests that they are emotional characters who deal with loss badly.

NB. These two quotations were anlysed individually first and then this paragraph of comparison came afterwards. They were not just listed then compared. This is wrong and bad, particularly if you initials are DH.

Near the end of the story, the Grandfather finally realises that he has to deal with the loss:
“The old man turned, slowly, taking his time; he lifted his eyes to smile proudly down the garden at his granddaughter.” So he “let it go”, just like Nick told Marjorie to. After he has, he felt that it was the right thing to do hence he “smiled proudly”. The word “proudly” demonstrates that he is truly satisfied with himself as, for him, letting go was not an easy thing to do. The fact that he “turned slowly” also suggests that it took him a lot of time to face up to the consequences of his decision. On the other hand, Nick is finding it much harder to deal with the consequences of his decision (which resulted in his loss):
“Nick went back and lay down with his face in the blanket by the fire.” Nick’s actions demonstrate that he is deeply upset and he therefore looks vulnerable as this image makes him seem like a child who is lost and upset. Nevertheless, this image could differ from the reality of Nick’s feelings in that he might not be hurt because his relationship with Marjorie has ended but because of Marjorie’s indifferent reaction. The word “down” also shows his negative thoughts and feelings and seems like he keeps looking back and witnessing the past over and over again. This contrasts with the word “lifted” from “Flight” where the Grandfather lifts his eyes which gives us a feeling of a new beginning and future.

Both these extracts show A* quality writing. Should have the rest of these essays back to you next week.

Superman and Paula Brown

by bmccarey99 @ 2008-11-20 – 16:52:33

Hello and welcome to my teaching blog. Here you will find highlights and key points of the lessons I have taught this week. If there is something which you think I should include here then please let me know.

Year 11: "Superman and Paula Brown's New Snow Shoes"

Today we analysed the journey of the narrator in this story from innocense to experience. At the opening of the story she is an excited dreamer whose love of Superman and dreams of flying show her to be an optimist, as yet untainted by the realities of the world in which she lives. As the story progresses, her eyes are opened to what she eventually terms "the real world". She sees a film clip of Japanese soldiers abusing American prisoners of war and promptly vomits up the cake and ice cream she had eaten at a birthday party. This clearly represents the painful realisation that the world of her childhood is coming to an end.

This transition is furhter confirmed by the kind of brutal cruelty which only children can inflict on one another. Paula Brown seems to take great joy in the suffereing she causes the narrator (schadenfreude) when she falsely accuses her of pushing her over. The narrator returns to the family home where she is briefly distracted by her uncle (the embodiment of Superman himself) however this bubble is soon burst and, in the adults acquiesance to the false accusations made against her, she realsies that the world of her "technicolour dreams" cannot exist in the real world.

Listen to the story here: http://www.cooper.oxon.sch.uk/English%20WebPages/Front.htm

We Have Moved!

Welcome to the new look mrmccarey.blog.co.uk. Everything that was on the old blog has been transfered over here however this site is much better. New updates coming soon- don't forget to subscribe.